
Extends: Node


A rolling cache to preload scenes for a better performance Uses the ResourceQueue as described in the Godot documentation

Method Descriptions


func _init(cache_count: int, scene_path: String, permanent_cache: PoolStringArray, cache_max_size: int)

Initialize the cache

** Parameters **

  • cache_count: The number of scenes to cache before and after the current scene

  • scene_path: The absolute path where scenes are stored has to include a named group called “index”

  • permanent_cache: A list of scenes that is cached permanently

  • cache_max_size: Maximum size of cache (w/o permanent cache) in megabyte


func update_progress()

Update the current progress on the waiting screen and emit the queue_complete signal when we’re done


func get_scene(path: String) -> PackedScene

Retrieve a scene from the cache. If the scene wasn’t already cached, this function will wait for it to be cached.

** Parameters **

  • path: The path to the scene


func update_cache(current_scene: String) -> int

Update the cache. Start caching new scenes and remove scenes, that are not used anymore

** Parameters **

  • current_scene: The path and filename of the current scene Returns Number of cached scenes


func update_permanent_cache(scene: String)

Add a scene to the permanent cache Scenes in permanent cache are not handled by cache manager

** Parameters **

  • scene: scene that is to be added to permanent cache


  • signal queue_complete(): All pending resources were loaded



Property Descriptions


var age: int

Inner class for parameters of cached scenes Indicates the age when the scene was inserted or updated in the cache minus the distance to the current scene


var size: float

Inner class for parameters of cached scenes Indicates the age when the scene was inserted or updated in the cache minus the distance to the current scene Size of the textures of the scene (in Megabyte)

Method Descriptions


func _init(age, size)
